Team Ico Wiki
Team Ico Wiki
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For credits to the other games, see Shadow of the Colossus (credits) and The Last Guardian (credits).
See also: Team ICO
Ico TemplateLogo

Brief Staff Credits

Ico TemplateLogo Also worked on:
Shadow of the Colossus The Last Guardian
Director Fumito Ueda Yes Yes
Producer Kenji Kaido Yes No
Executive Producer Yasuhide Kobayashi Yes Yes
Supervisors Ahira Sato Yes No
Fumiya Takeno Yes No
Masatsuka Saeki Yes No
Planners Junichi Hosono Yes Yes
Kei Kuwabara No No
Tsutomu Kouno No No
Lead Animator Fumito Ueda Yes Yes
Animators (Ico, Yorda, Queen) Atsuko Fukuyama Yes No
Takeshi Ambe No No
Animator (Shadow creatures, Ico) Mizuki Muramatsu No No
Background Artists Kazuhiro Numata Yes No
Nanako Omura Yes No
Chikara Ueno No No
Mitsuhiro Shimooki Yes No
Katsuhiko Abe Yes No
Atsuhi Morioka No No
Taijurou Hachiya No No
Mikiko Takeda No No
Kaihei Hayano No No
Tsutomu Kouno No No
Character Designers Fumito Ueda Yes Yes
Chika Fukui No No
Kazuhiro Numata Yes No
Mitsuhiro Shimooki Yes No
System Programmers Jinji Horagai Yes No
Fumiaki Hara No No
Character/Object Programmers Shotaro Omori No No
Hajime Sugiyama Yes Yes
Toshihiro Ito Yes No
Motion System Programmer Hajime Sugiyama Yes Yes
Yorda AI Programmers Shotaro Omori No No
Jinji Horagai Yes No
Draw Engine Program Takuya Seki Yes No
Visual Programmers Hajime Sugiyama Yes Yes
Takuya Seki Yes No
Tools Program Toshihiro Ito Yes No
Scripting Junichi Hosono Yes Yes
Sound Designer Masaaki Kaneko No No
Sound Effects Masaaki Kaneko No No
Keiichi Kitahara No No

Music and Voice Production
Composer Michiru Oshima
Music Supervisor George Asahi
Music and Sound Engineer Roland Herrington
Voice of Ico Kazuhiro Shindou
Voice of Yorda Reiko Takahashi
Voice of the Queen Misa Watanabe
Voice Production Miho Kawagoe
Voice Production Shinsaku Tanaka
(Tohokushinsha Film Corporation)
Subtitles (A.M.L.) Hideo Sato

Complete End Titles (PS2)

The Game Shadow of the Colossus ( Demo  · Pal Release  · Shadow of the Colossus HD  · PS4)
Characters Wander  · Agro  · Mono  · Dormin  · Lord Emon  · Guards  · Shadows
The Colossi I  · II  · III  · IV  · V · VI  · VII  · VIII  · IX  · X  · XI  · XII  · XIII  · XIV  · XV  · XVI
Unused Colossi ( Devil  · Evis  · Griffin  · Phoenix  · Roc  · Saru  · Sirius  · Spider  · Worm  · Yamori A  · Buffalo  · Quetzalcoatl)
Magic Sigil  · Hard Mode
Colossus Arenas Temple  · Proto  · Arena  · Kirin's Hill  · Canyon · Canossa  · Lakeside  · Underground  · Geyser  · Gravewind  · Leo's Cave  · Poseidon's Lake  · Desert  · Ruins  · Parthenon  · Sanctuary
Unused Arenas ( Badlands  · Cave  · Crater  · Devil's Plain  · Dune  · Hillock  · I1  · Labyrinth  · Sluice  · Stonehenge  · Valley )
The Forbidden Lands Shadow creaturesSave shrinesFruit treesWhite-tailed lizards

The Shrine of Worship
Umbral GladeStone Arch GorgeDried MarshNorthern SpanDesert FortressMisty FallsRavine EntranceHalf-moon CanyonWestern PlainRound Stone HillLair to the WestStone Bridge CliffCliff PathLair on the MesaWestern CapeArch Bridge PlainBlasted LandsAutumn ForestEastern BluffValley PlainSouthwestern CapeSouthern PlainGreen CapeThe Broken Seal

Soundtrack Roar of the Earth
Walkthrough Time AttackGolden Coins
Other media Nico  · Official artbook/guidebook  · Collectible figurines  · Film adaptation
Giantology campaign
Hoaxes Jebal-Barez skeletonTamil Nadu tsunami giantSulu Sea eel statuePolarneft conspiracySayre family vacation
Characters Eric BelsonCasper ShillingEd GuylerArkady SimkinBoris AtlasovAndrew and Ellie Sayre
Media Giantology podcasts (FirstInterview with Arkady SimkinThirdFourth) • IPICP memo
Ico TemplateLogo Walkthrough
Characters Ico  · Yorda  · The Queen  · Shadows  · Guards
Locations The Castle in the Mist
Items Stick  · Sword  · Mace  · Light Saber  · Queen's Sword
Gameplay Idol Gates  · Save points  · Runic Language  · Watermelon
Media ICO ~Melody in the Mist~ (OST)  · Official Art and Guide Book  · ICO: Castle in the Mist (Book)  · Interview Archive
Releases Demo  · PS2 original  · PS3 remaster  · Credits