Team Ico Wiki
Team Ico Wiki
Team Ico Wiki

IphisAria IphisAria 10 April 2024

Back to help edit


I might not be editing as much as I used to, but I'm happy to be back to help curate and make edits on the wiki here.

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SuperSaiyan2Link SuperSaiyan2Link 18 December 2021

ICO and the Colossus - Full Connection

So we all know that Shadow of the Colossus is the prequel to ICO, but their connection has never been truly explored. It's almost frustrating how close these two games are, and yet how separated they still remain. There have been dozens of theories across the two decades that they've been out, and I do not claim to have created any of these. I am merely going to complie everything I've both found and discovered into one blog.

The two games are connected in an extremely meaningful way, beyond what anyone would gather from simply playing them. Dormin exists as a looming presence in both games, he just needs a little digging to find. It all will tell one cohesive story. So, let's begin.

  • 1 Halves of Dormin
  • 2 Horned Children
  • 3 The Queen
  • 4 Conclusion

At the …

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IphisAria IphisAria 24 November 2021


Hello all,

Considering all that's happened since I last dropped in, I'm writing this to make it clear that previous posts of mine are now a bit outdated, to say the least. I had removed my own admin/bureaucrat abilities a while ago, so they were not wiped from any recent user changes. All said, if a bureaucrat is wanted, I can step in for the role. At this point I would not be doing major overhauls, but simply checking in and doing cleaning/maintenance/organization work here and there.

IphisAria (11-23-2021)

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RevOcelotMGS RevOcelotMGS 6 June 2021

New Theme

I've been working on the new theme for the Team Ico Wiki's FandomDesktop appearance. Opt-in, let me know if there's anything you think should be changed or not.

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

New Admins

Hello everyone,

As of today, the TeamICO Wiki has 9 new Admins on the team!

-Alastor Darknight
-Roa Ciel
-Eveisalive Please see this Message Wall thread for the original conversation:

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

Migration to Unified Community Platform

Hi all,

For those of you who have not yet noticed, the staff at Fandom will be migrating our TeamICO Wiki over to a new software! What does this mean for you?


"On the migration day, all of your wiki content will be imported onto the new platform. Here’s how that will work:

  • Your wiki will go read-only
  • A backup of your content will be made
  • A copy of that backup will be made and will stay on the legacy platform
  • The original backup will run through an automated upgrade process and be set up on the new platform
  • In that process, a script will check the structure of your content so that it looks like it would’ve been a fresh UCP wiki (but with all your content, edit history, etc)
  • Several requests will be made against key pages on your wiki on the new pl…
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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

We are now featuring Fan-made content!

UPDATE (11-23-2021) - This post is quite out of date and does not reflect the current state of the wiki. As you can see with the 10-Sep-2020 update at the bottom of this post, Daico had been removed as it was not relevant to the site and its content.

Hello everyone,

As you may have noticed, the Wiki's database and community message both feature the latest contributions: fan-made content by our users!

Update: [10-Sep-2020] "Daico - fan made project" has been removed from the Wiki.

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

We need contributors! - Team Ico Wiki

Hello, Just today I made a blog post in Community Central titled, "We need contributors! - Team Ico Wiki". Though we have a good base of users here, I want to encourage prospective editors to come and see what our wiki is all about. More specifically, I want to bring in new users so that we have a more active community.

Below is the original post from Community Central; It has not been altered.

Hello everyone! I am HappyIphisAria, and I would love for everyone to know about the Team Ico Wiki. It is a wiki about Fumito Ueda and his video-games: ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian.

These titles are uniquely characterized by a small cast, strong but minimalist storytelling, atmospheric use of bloom and HDR lighting, lush soundtracks tha…

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

New Badges to Earn

Hello everyone,

As an incentive for making edits to categories listed in the Community Message, I have created two new Badge tracks, one for Category:Shadow of the Colossus Locations and one for Category:Ico. Note that there are no badges specialised for the Article Stubs category.

FYI, I have added a few Talk page buttons to several articles throughout the Wiki. I also revived a talk page on Ico (character) that had been closed for several years now. Communities need ways of interacting, so now you have a few more places for doing so.

Have fun, HappyIphisAria (talk) 20:11, June 18, 2020 (UTC)

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

Updated the Community Message

Hello everyone,

As of today, I have updated the community message for the Wiki. You can find it in the Community Portal. You can also find it in the side bar of the Wiki Activity page under the Explore drop-down menu.

Another update is the Wiki's about page. The Wiki has had a published About page since its creation, but it has been left blank until now. If you can find places in the Wiki to link to this page, please do.

To those who continue to make edits during this time, a big thank you. People have more time on their hands to be browsing web-pages, so now is just as important as ever to keep the Wiki looking sharp!


  • The newest page is Watermellon. It has two small sections, "Ico" and "Shadow of the Colossus", and one image. Go check it out!…

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

Wiki Adoption


Since I am often running into the problem of locked pages and needing higher-level editing permissions, I would like to become a bureaucrat of the TeamICO Wiki.

I will be regularly going through all pages to clean up formatting, grammar, organization, and content, especially in areas (i.e. ICO) where users have graciously declined to edit in order to avoid spoilers.

Lately I have completely revised and updated the ICO and SOTC Walkthrough templates. Additionally, I have created from scratch a TLG Walkthrough template and have asked the TeamICO community whether or not to edit or simply remove the "Franchise" template from all pages. Please see my discussion post ""Sigil Divider" & "Franchise" Templates" to read this conversation. Other…

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Majuto the hyena Majuto the hyena 18 February 2020

Second trico Wiki Page- idea

I feel like somebody should make a wiki page for the second trico. Since she’s pretty major in the story (the armoured trico that our trico fights, presumably trico’s Mate) I feel like she should have her own wiki page. But I’m awful at creating wiki pages so...

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Tephra Tephra 5 July 2019

Fandom Discord

Hey everyone, there is now an official Discord server for Fandom/Gamepedia!

This is an additional point of contact for Fandom staff and other editors who you can ask for assistance with editing or other wiki-related subjects.

In order to join, you must do the following:

  1. Have a Discord account set up ahead of time
  2. Add your Discord user ID into your Fandom profile masthead
  3. Join at
  4. Follow the #verification process on the server

This server is for registered editors, admins, Wiki Team, and Staff. Users without registered accounts on Fandom or Gamepedia are not allowed here.

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IphisAria IphisAria 3 October 2020

Plot Theory

I really enjoy a good fan theory, especially when there isn't an "official" theory published by the creators. However, I've been dissatisfied with so many of the ones out there (for Shadow of the Colossus) so, I decided to write my own. You can find it here. 

It contains everything from when Wander holds his sword, to the use of sound effects, to choice of dialogue, to changes in the landscape. Elements such as the purpose of the Colossi and, whether or not Dormin was actually the one who resurrected Mono, are all explained in-detail and without contradiction. It is even consistent with Fumito Ueda's personal views on the story. 

Come check it out and I hope you enjoy!

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Tephra Tephra 11 May 2019

New Wiki Manager

Hi! My name is Tephra, and I'm the Fandom Wiki Manager for the Team Ico Wiki. I am here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff. If you ever have a question or issue relating to the wiki, editing, etc., please contact me on my message wall.

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ColdRamenTPM ColdRamenTPM 29 January 2019

The State of Administration

This wiki's administration has recently become inactive and continues not to do their jobs adequately. Spam pages have been created without proper removal, and pages with grammatical and structural pages are locked to those who might help. If the current group of admins does not awaken from their months long, and, in some cases, years long slumber then I fully intend to do what they will not. Administrators, I give you a week to continue doing your jobs properly or I will apply to take up the supervision of this wiki that I know it deserves.

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ColdRamenTPM ColdRamenTPM 15 February 2018

Replacing Images w/ Remake Counterparts

Are there any plans to update the pictures across the wiki for fidelity or should they remain as they are for novelty’s sake?

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Unknow0060 Unknow0060 23 July 2023

What's up with all this bitcoin being posted here?

This is all not relevant to this wikia. It shouldn't be here.

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Spookiest Spookiest 19 December 2016

Theory about the origin of Trico's species

My theory is that the horned children from the past two games (Shadow of the Colossus & Ico) were turned into these griffin like beasts, stripped of their humanity, still retaining their most prominent trait. How, i'm still thinking of, I'll update if I can. The species itself is then given back a bit of their own human traits by giving the strange deity at the top of the tower human sacrifices and giving the creatures the essence which revitalizes them and makes them a bit more cooperative. They can live without the essence, but it makes them all the more extraordinary and useful when they do use it. Back to the giving back their humanity, remember in SOTC how Wander was the "first" horned child? What if Trico is a descendant of Wander? A…

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Freezeblade7997 Freezeblade7997 26 August 2015

The last guardian?

so hello everyone...something just hit me on the head or something, heres what I meant.

You know Trico? that huge griffin from the last guardian,if you look at the pictures, then you find skeletal versions of a griffin, this implies that the griffins were guardians of the ruins before something or someone came and killed all of them but spared Trico. Also for all who played or watched the games, you know that the world is massively religious and also highly corrupt.With jerks like lord Emon and the fact that Ico,s parents left him just because he had horns.also that one kid...I guess that the forces of the Dark queen still lives on,albeit much weaker.Looking for that kid because they know that if he releases the last guardian there civillis…

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EmberSynth EmberSynth 25 March 2015

A Short Post

I sent Ueda fan mail. I'm scared.

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Jellyguy Jellyguy 1 April 2014

What 'the Last Guardian' needs to be awesome

Somebody else wrote a very similar post about the same thing; expect to see some of the same things as on there. However, this is my own spin and will have more and different things.

But anyway, this is a list of what 'the Last Guardian' really needs to have in it. GO!

  • Good Graphics.

=========Well, duh, you say. But remember, this game has been in development since the PS2. I've seen some games suffer from the "started-work-on-an-old-console-then-changed-to-the-next-gen-halfway-through" sydrome, as I so cleverly named it. I just think that this game has to be - if not amazing - at least good enough to compete with other games coming out at the same time. In an artistic game, visuals are everything.

  • Open World

=========Shadow of the Colossus had…

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Golden Specter Golden Specter 12 July 2013

Wiki Adoption

Hi everyone :)
As a fan of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, I would like to become an admin and bureaucrat of the Team Ico wiki.
I'll improve the wiki, especially on the technical aspect (templates, etc.) where it actually have been always good.
I've heavily changed the Franchise template and unified the 3 general templates (Ico, SotC & TLG), and I've done lot of cleaning and adding info, infobox, etc. I hope to do more and to bring much more fans here!
And of course, I hope to hear new info about The Last Guardian soon (August?).
Thanks :)
--Golden Spectertalk 20:46, July 12, 2013 (UTC)

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Frank West: Photojournalist Frank West: Photojournalist 20 December 2010

The Last Guardian: Wishlist

If you want an explanation, click here.

Hey, wouldn't it be cool if, in "The Last Guardian", there was a cameo from Ico, or if Trico had the ability to shoot flames, well that's why this list exists, to make a central place for all of our ideas, so lets dive in.

  1. An open world to explore.
  2. A similar control scheme to "SotC".
  3. A story that not only bridges the gap between "SotC" and "Ico", but a fitting end to the "Ico" storyarch.
  4. Alot of ways to manually interact with "Trico", like petting him, or having him chase you, or feeding him barrels...
  5. Stealth.
  6. The ability to take weapons from guards, weren't you ticked when you couldn't take the crossbow from that knight in "SotC"?

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